Why the Winter Months are Some of the Best for Cosmetic Creating
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Team Soak Rochford

Why the Winter Months are Some of the Best for Cosmetic Creating

5 reasons you should pick up your tools and get motivated

As the nights begin to get darker and the temperature starts to drop, there can be no doubt that winter is on its way. 

Whether you’re devastated to be waving goodbye to summer, or you’re ready to welcome cosy, Harry Potter-filled nights in, either way, as a cosmetic creator you should definitely take advantage of the next few months. From increased customers to better working conditions, here are 5 reasons why you should be motivated to create this winter.

1. Your Customers Are In Shopping Mindsets

With Christmas just 12 weeks away, your customers are going to be thinking about purchasing products for their friends and family much more than any other time of year.

Take advantage of their shopping mindsets and continuously promote your small business’s incredible range of unique, handmade products in the lead-up to the big day.

2. More Time Spent Indoors

It’s guaranteed that, sooner or later, the weather is going to turn miserable again – a classic trait of UK winters. However, even though the doom and gloom of this catches us off guard every year, it’s important to remember this is actually a blessing in disguise for our motivation. 

When wind, rain and minus temperatures make leaving the house an absolute no-go, it frees up your day to work on your business. Either blitz through making orders, catch up on your finances or even start thinking about potential new products. 

3. Increased Festive Markets

This time of year is perfect for taking the leap and attending your first fair or market. People love to get wrapped up and cosy to wander around looking at all the beautiful wares of local businesses so make sure that you’re in front of them when they’re ready to buy! 

4. Return of Bath Time

It’s common for sales of bath products to dip during the summer months while customers are opting for faster, cooler showers. However, autumn marks the return of warm and cosy evenings spent in the tub. 

Welcome your customers back with open arms and promote all of the wonderful products you’ve been working on throughout the year in anticipation of the return of bath time.

5. A Need to Be Pampered

With winter, also comes increased stress levels for many reasons: days stuck in the house with the whole family, financial stresses about Christmas and a lack of ideas to keep the little ones entertained while it batters it down outside… 

So, give your customers the opportunity to pamper themselves. Your home, bath and body products are perfect for creating a little safe haven right at home, so let them know about it!

Lillie Elliott

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