human hand holding the glass and pouring the ingredient into the molding container for homemade soap making
Picture of Team Soak Rochford

Team Soak Rochford

The Many Uses Of LDPE And Silicone Soap Moulds

Whether you are a seasoned soap maker or just starting out, your choice of soap moulds will significantly affect the success of your soap making venture. Read on to explore the many uses of LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) and silicone soap moulds and discover how they can enhance your soap making experience.

What does the soap moulding process entail?

Using moulds to create soap will simplify the process and additionally give you some more creative options. Here’s how the process will typically go:


Before starting the soap moulding process, you’ll need to make sure that you have all the necessary ingredients and tools ready. This includes selecting the type of soap base you want to use, gathering any fragrance or essential oils, colourants, and choosing the appropriate soap moulds.

Melting the soap base

Depending on the type of soap base you are using, you can melt it using a double boiler or a microwave-safe container. If using a double boiler, fill the bottom pot with water and place it on the stovetop over low heat. Put the soap base chunks in the top pot and allow them to melt slowly, stirring occasionally. If using a microwave, place the soap chunks in a microwave-safe container and heat in short intervals, stirring in between, until completely melted. Try not to overheat the soap base, as it can scorch or become lumpy.

Adding fragrance and colour

Once the soap base has melted, remove it from the heat source and add your preferred fragrance or essential oils. Measure the appropriate amount recommended for your recipe and stir well to ensure even distribution. If you want to add colour to your soap, you can use soap-safe colourants such as micas, pigments, or liquid dyes. You should add the colourants gradually, stirring well after each addition, until you achieve the desired hue.

Pouring into moulds

Prepare your soap moulds by spraying them with rubbing alcohol. This step helps reduce the formation of air bubbles and assists in the easy release of the soap from the moulds. Carefully pour the melted soap mixture into the moulds, filling them to the desired level. Take care not to overfill the moulds, as this can lead to overflow and misshapen bars.

Removing air bubbles

To get rid of any air bubbles that may have formed during the pouring process, gently tap the filled moulds on a flat surface. This helps dislodge any trapped air and ensures a smooth surface for your soap bars.

Allowing soap to harden

After pouring the soap into the moulds, set them aside in a cool, well-ventilated area to allow the soap to harden completely. The curing time can vary depending on the type of soap base used, but it typically takes around 24-48 hours. Avoid moving or disturbing the moulds during this time to ensure the soap sets properly.


Once the soap has hardened, carefully remove it from the moulds. The soap should easily release if the moulds were properly prepared with the rubbing alcohol. If you encounter any difficulty, try flexing or slightly twisting the moulds to help loosen the soap. Make sure to take your time during this step to avoid damaging the soap bars.

What are the benefits of using moulds in the soap making process?

There are limitless benefits to using moulds to make soap. Here are just a few of them:

Shape and size control

Soap moulds give you precise control over the shape and size of your soap bars. Moulds ensure that each soap bar is similar in shape and size, providing a professional and finished look to your products. You can easily achieve consistency in your soap bars, making them aesthetically pleasing and visually appealing.

Ease of handling

Soap moulds provide a structured and stable platform for pouring and moulding the soap mixture. This makes the soap making process much easier and more efficient. Moulds help contain the soap mixture, preventing any spillage or mess. They provide a solid base for pouring the soap mixture, allowing you to pour it evenly and smoothly into the mould.

Customisation and creativity

Soap moulds offer endless possibilities for customisation and creativity. With a wide variety of mould designs available, you can choose shapes and patterns that align with your creative vision. Whether you want to create elegant swirls, intricate designs, or embeds within your soap bars, moulds provide a canvas for your imagination. You’ll be able to experiment with different moulds to create unique soap designs and textures, making your soaps stand out from the crowd.

Easy release and demoulding

Moulds make it easier to release and demould the soap once it has hardened. This is especially true for flexible silicone moulds, which allow for effortless removal without damaging the soap or the mould. The smooth interior of moulds helps prevent the soap from sticking, ensuring a clean and intact soap bar. With a gentle push or flexing of the mould, the soap easily pops out, ready for further curing or packaging. This ease of release saves time and effort, making the soap making process more efficient.


Soap moulds provide a protective barrier for the soap during the curing process. They help prevent dust, debris, and other contaminants from coming into contact with the soap, ensuring a clean and hygienic final product. Moulds also help preserve the shape and integrity of the soap as it cures. By providing a structured environment, moulds prevent any deformation or crumbling that may occur if the soap is left exposed. This protection ensures that your soaps maintain their desired shape and quality.

LDPE vs silicone moulds

The most common soap making moulds you are likely to encounter are LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene and silicone. Here’s a few key differences between them:


LDPE moulds are made from low-density polyethylene, a type of plastic known for its flexibility and durability. It is a lightweight material that is resistant to impact and chemicals. Silicone moulds, on the other hand, are made from a synthetic rubber-like material called silicone. Silicone is known for its non-toxic nature and its ability to withstand high temperatures.


Silicone moulds are highly flexible, which makes them ideal for soap making. You can bend or twist the mould without worrying about damaging it or the soap. LDPE moulds, while still flexible to some extent, may require more effort to release the soap, especially if the soap has intricate designs or sharp edges.


Silicone moulds are generally more durable and long-lasting compared to LDPE moulds. They can withstand high temperatures without warping or melting, making them suitable for both cold process and hot process soap making. LDPE moulds are also durable but may not be as heat-resistant as silicone. They are typically used for cold process soap making where lower temperatures are involved.

Ease of cleaning

If you don’t want to spend ages cleaning after your soap-making activities, you may want to invest in silicone moulds. These are naturally non-stick, making them incredibly easy to clean. Soap residue can be easily washed off with soap and water. The non-stick property also makes it less likely for the soap to stick to the mould, resulting in smoother and more intact soap bars. LDPE moulds, while still relatively easy to clean, may require a bit more effort to remove any stubborn soap residue.

Design options

Silicone moulds come in different sizes, patterns, and even custom shapes. LDPE moulds, although available in various shapes, may not offer the same level of design variety as silicone moulds. They are typically simpler in design and may be more suitable for basic soap shapes.


LDPE moulds are generally more affordable compared to silicone moulds. While silicone moulds tend to be pricier due to their durability, flexibility, and the wide range of design options they offer, LDPE moulds are a cost-effective option for those who are starting out in soap making or prefer simpler soap designs.

Bath wax and liquid soap ingredients from Soak Rochford

Here at Soak Rochford, we have an exciting array of soap moulds available to purchase. We’ve got everything you need to create the bath and shower products of your dreams – get in touch with us today to find out more about our services.


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