Benefits of Being a Cosmetic Creator

The many perks that come with running your own cosmetic business

It’s important to remember all the benefits that come with being a cosmetic creator so that when the stress of bulk orders or broken bombs appear, you can look back on these positives and remember it’s not all bad!

It’s your own private time

We know that for most of you, it’s technically work… but still. Having those precious undisturbed hours to yourself allows you to put your business head on and yourself first.

It can reduce anxiety

Although this isn’t a scientific promise, a large number of our Soakies have reported that their creative process allows them to chill out and calm down whenever they feel anxious. The concentration and focus that is required doesn’t leave much room for worrying!

Use your imagination

As adults, our imagination tends to get a little bit dusty. However. It feels great to be able to experiment with colours, moulds and fragrances! You get to feel like child-like excitement when it comes to making your own creations.

Feel proud of your skills

We always encourage our Soakies to toot their own horn! It takes a lot to jump headfirst into developing a new skill, so teaching yourself to make your own bath products and ultimately selling them to loyal customers is something to be really proud of.

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01733 973950

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