What Makes Soak Rochford Hobbies So Great?

Becoming a Soakie is one of the most rewarding hobbies that you’ll ever have

Yes, I know what you’re thinking. We’re biased. But it’s true that we are, but we also have 2.8k Soakies in our Facebook group that would definitely back us up.

So, here are just a few reasons why Soak Rochford hobbies are so fun and empowering.

Be Creative

From bath bombs to whipped soap, wax melts to body scrubs, Soak Rochford allows you to design and make so many different cosmetics.

The wide range of glitters, dyes, pigments, moulds, and fragrances means that your imagination is free to run wild.

The first rule of Soak Rochford is that there aren’t any rules! Experiment to your heart’s content with different shapes and colours and see what amazing creations you come up with.

Earn Some Money

A little extra cash will never go amiss! With our assessments, you will receive a document written in your name which gives you legal permission to sell your products in the UK and EU.

You could attend craft fairs, school fetes or set up a whole new business featuring your gorgeous creations!

Ease Your Anxiety

Many of our Soakies have told us that the cosmetic creation process has really helped with their anxiety.

The weighing, mixing and decorating allows you to completely forget about what is going on beyond the boundaries of your craft space. This gives you a few hours to completely escape the pressures of everyday life and have fun.

Free Presents

When it comes to birthdays and Christmas, you’ll never run out of ideas for your friends and family! And they’ll love you for it.

The younger ones in your family will go crazy for your fun bath bombs, your sister will love your beautifully scented wax melts and your mum will use your luxurious body butter all the time.

Say goodbye to spending a fortune and hello to thoughtful, handmade gifts.

Make New Friends

This is may be the most important point of all… Our Soakie community is full of like-minded, creative people who love to share, chat and discuss all things Soak Rochford.

We’re lucky to have developed such a lovely community of individuals who are always happy to help one another out.

Join our Facebook group here if you feel like you’re missing out!


These are just a few of the reasons a Soak Rochford hobby is one of the best you can have.

If you’re considering starting a new venture with any of our products but would like some more information, feel free to contact us here or on any of our social platforms.

Give us a call!

01733 973950

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