Preparing for 2024: Organising Your Creative Space
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Team Soak Rochford

Preparing for 2024: Organising Your Creative Space

Because a tidy workspace creates a tidy mind, and that’s always welcome!

Whether your creative space is your dining room table, a spare bedroom or even a garden shed, it’s so important that you keep it organised. This will not only improve your efficiency and motivation but also your mental health.

Here are five things we suggest doing before January so that you can hit the ground running when you return to work. 

Have a Clear-Out

Spend a couple of hours doing inventory on everything in your working environment and you’ll quickly realise how much clutter can be gathered throughout the year. 

From notebooks with no space left to broken pokey sticks and everything in between. Whatever is no longer useful to you should either be thrown away or, if it will still be of use to someone, sold in our destash group.

Decant Larger Ingredients

If you have a 25kg box of Citric Acid sitting under your desk, you’re quickly going to start feeling trapped and claustrophobic in your creative space.

Estimate how much you will need for a couple of weeks’ worth of makes and decant that measure into a smaller, more manageable container. Find somewhere else to store the rest of your ingredients so that it’s not so overwhelming always having it in sight.

Go Storage Mad

You can never have too much storage! Putting shelves up against a wall, adding drawers under your desk and keeping your ingredients in specific boxes will make your creative process so much more organised.

Lists, Lists and More Lists

Not being clear on your own stock levels, orders and deadlines can cause a constant state of anxiety which, in turn, will impact your efficiency. 

You might prefer to write your jobs every morning in a notepad, or you might create an Excel sheet of actions for the week ahead, you might even prefer to use time management software like Asana. Try out all of these different ways to discover which one allows you to keep on top of everything.

Consider Expanding  

If your working environment is starting to look like an episode of Hoarders Next Door, consider expanding your creative space. Take over a different area of the house or, take a leaf out of Jay’s book, and add a shed into the garden.

Lillie Elliott

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