How to Take Your Bath Bombs to the Next Level
Picture of Team Soak Rochford

Team Soak Rochford

How to Take Your Bath Bombs to the Next Level

Make your range of bath bombs stand out from the crowd with these five suggestions

As a cosmetic creator, you have the freedom to let your imagination run wild when it comes to designing your range of bath products. However, that doesn’t mean that your creative juices are always flowing…

If you need some guidance on how to take your bath bombs to the next level, look no further than this blog. Below are five suggestions that, if introduced to your process, will make your range stand out from the crowd.

Incorporate Glow-in-the-Dark Pigments

Highly pigmented bath art is usually enough to bring an air of excitement to your customer’s bath-time experience, but imagine if the bomb making the art also glowed in the dark… *chef’s kiss”

Our range of Glow-in-the-Dark Pigments can be used to paint bath bombs in a way that really brings out the details of the mould’s design. The pigments simply need to be “charged” by leaving them out in natural light for a few minutes before they start to glow.

Try Out Neon Non-Bleeds

You could scream about your bath bomb range from the rooftops, or you could let your range do the talking by using the brightest paint available.

Our Neon Non-Bleed Pigment Pack creates bold, impactful colours that are perfect for rinse-off products such as bath bombs. These blinding colours don’t bleed or morph, so you can be sure that your design will stay bright and intact during its use.

Create a Themed Bath Bomb Range

One sure-fire way to get your customers excited is by creating a set of themed bath bombs that incorporate a range of linked moulds, colours and fragrances. 

For example, in summer you could create a bundle that includes bright red, orange and yellow bath bombs shaped like sunshine, butterflies and ice cream that are scented in popular fragrances such as Totally Tropical or Pacific Coconut.

Get Out of Your Mould Comfort Zone

If you’ve perfected Game Controllers and Rubber Ducks, you should feel proud of yourself that you’ve become so accustomed to your range of bath bombs. However, when did anything exciting happen in your comfort zone?

If your cosmetic process is starting to become monotonous, take a look at all 477 moulds available on our website and see if another design takes your fancy. Although choosing a new mould might feel daunting at first, we’re sure you’ll master it in no time at all and, who knows, it might even become a customer favourite.

Watch Our Group Tutorials

Our Facebook Group is home to over 3.7k cosmetic creators who want to gain inspiration, advice and support from others in the same industry. 

In this group, we have lots of easy-to-follow, detailed tutorials that cover topics from airbrushing to digital marketing so that you can make your home, bath and body business the best it can possibly be.

Lillie Elliott

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